Here in the UK, the cost of living crisis has been an ever-salient news item for well over two years now, and for good reason. According to the Office for National Statistics, at its peak in 2022, prices of basic consumer goods and services rose at a faster rate than any other time since the…
Feeling stressed or anxious is a totally normal response when you’re facing financial difficulties. Whether you’re dealing with a spiralling cycle of high interest credit card debt you just can’t seem to escape from, or are struggling to make repayments on a mortgage or loan due to an unexpected change in personal circumstances, debt anxiety…
Credit cards are a quick and convenient way to build your credit history. However, if used irresponsibly, the debt generated can quickly become a significant burden. Indeed, for those living with a large amount of credit card debt, knowing the most effective way to pay it off is not always clear. Fortunately, with the right…
Watching a family member of friend struggling with debt can be tough. The human inclination is to, of course, help out where possible. However, when money is involved, this can be an uncomfortable topic to broach. What’s key to remember is that there are many sensible ways to support a loved one living with debt without…
Some people avoid talking about their debts and miss out on the necessary help because they’ve heard something that has put them off or they’ve looked it up online and found incorrect information. But the truth is dealing with your debt doesn’t have to be daunting. Seeking the right support can address your money worries…
Dealing with debt can be a heavy burden. Whether you’re struggling with a large amount of debt that is becoming impossible to manage or a relatively small amount that’s increasingly difficult to deal with due to a change in personal circumstances, it can be hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately,…
Significant debt can be more than just a financial worry. It can impact your entire life, from your working life to the relationships you have with your nearest and dearest. Luckily, there are debt management solutions available that can help you regain control of your personal finances. One type of solution that can provide this…
Juggling your financial responsibilities can often be an overwhelming task. From credit card bills and mortgage payments to student loan repayments and utility bills, different types of debt can start to build all too easily. This can cause stress and anxiety for even the most mentally resolute among us, never mind those living with mental…
You know what they say, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, it also tends to be the most expensive too! The pressure to buy the perfect gifts, go out with friends, and decorate your home can quickly lead to overspending and serious debt. However, with a bit of forethought and planning,…
Dealing with long-term debt can be stressful; the thought of constant chasing from creditors can lead to feelings of anxiety, worry and even depression. However, the good news is, in the UK there’s typically a limitation period on many types of debt, including card debt and personal loan repayments. Of course, this does not mean…
Credit scores are a key part of financial systems in the UK. MoneyPlus explains how they work and what types of actions can impact your score. Credit reports play a vital role in private financial agreements in the UK. Without a credit score, the average person in the UK wouldn’t be able to apply for…
It can be difficult when someone close to you is struggling with debt, whether this is a result of losing a job, overusing credit cards, gambling, or something else. But can you ever become responsible for someone else’s debt? In this article, we break down when you might be accountable for another person’s outstanding payments.…