Juliet became part of the MoneyPlus team as a Content Writer in February 2024, where she now oversees the blog and co-writes the newsletter. Her work focuses on making financial topics understandable for all.
With five years of experience in content, Juliet began her career as a Journalist at MoneySavingExpert, where she developed a deep understanding of consumer finance.
10 Things to Help You Afford That Summer Holiday You can admit it: summer goal number one is to earn your tan back, but if you don’t start saving early there’ll be nothing to burn in the bank. Here’s 10 tips to save for your next getaway. Feed the pig At the end of each…
If your budget has taken a bit of a bash, you might be tempted to put your travel bug on a strict diet! But, if you choose your destination carefully, there are plenty of places where your money will go further. Here are some European destinations worth considering for a cheap city break. Enjoy! Krakow,…
The energy bill drops onto the doormat and that heated argument kicks off again about how much it costs to leave that light on all night, who forgot to turn the TV off, the central heating being on too long, the hair straighteners draining the national grid. Every time we leave an appliance turned on…
Should You Switch Energy Provider? You’ve been with the same energy provider for years. Although you’re not going to invite them around for a beer any time soon, it would feel a bit disloyal to dump them. Gas and electricity are always there when you need it and as to the cost… it’s the same…
We spend a lot of moolah on our mobiles. There are so many models, networks and contracts to choose from these days, it’s difficult to know if we’re getting ripped off. Factor in minutes, messaging, memory, data, overseas tariffs and a very nice phone cover (no-brainer), and chances are you’re parting with a lot of…
Water. Turn on the tap, and like magic, it’s there. A brew, a bath, a shower, clean clothes and dishes… we all take it a bit for granted really. But, how much is it costing, and could we save money? Reduce your bill and your impact on the planet with these water-saving tips: Consider a…
Could Direct Debits Lower Your Energy Bills? Setting up a direct debit can feel a bit like signing your life – or at least your wages – away. It’s yet another chunk of money going out of your bank account each month before you’ve even had time to touch it. But, it might help soften…
It’s a common question that often fuels a heated debate: Should you shell out for Shell or plump for the cheapest prices at the pumps? Some motorists believe that branded petrol and diesel such as Shell, Esso and BP are a higher quality than what’s available at supermarkets such as Morrisons, Tesco or Asda. …
8 Reasons You Should Have an Allotment Allotments used to be considered the domain of old guys in corduroy pants, cardigans and caps but now they’re actually quite cool. So much so that there’s usually a waiting list to get one. If you’re living in a flat with no outdoor space, or you’ve got a…
Some things sound good in theory. Like moving all your debt from one place to another with lower interest rates and smaller repayments each month. Balance transfers can be a good thing. They’re simply the act of moving a debt (usually a credit card) from one account to another. Interest rates of 0% are usually…
If you’re stressed out about money – and let’s face it, who isn’t? – borrowing a small sum of money for a short amount of time can seem like the perfect answer. A payday loan is more or less self-explanatory. You borrow some cash and pay the full chunk back on your next payday. But,…
Money might not be able to buy you happiness, but these interesting facts might make you smile.