5 Tips for an Affordable Christmas

You know what they say, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, it also tends to be the most expensive too! The pressure to buy the perfect gifts, go out with friends, and decorate your home can quickly lead to overspending and serious debt. However, with a bit of forethought and planning,…

Savings Tips for the Younger Generation

Teaching children about money from a young age is extremely important, setting them up for financial success in the future. Children are like sponges and absorb information and habits quickly, so if we can help them learn and develop healthy money habits as early as possible, this will hopefully stay with them throughout the rest…

Energy Saving Tips

Energy, alongside inflation, cost-of-living, and crisis, is a word you’re probably sick of hearing at this point. With the current energy crisis and rising inflation costs, it feels like you can’t turn anywhere without another headline about the rising costs. Well, this is another one of those articles… However, rather than blast you with negative…

Dealing with Debt: 5 Essential Tips

Dealing with debt: 5 things you should know 1) There are sources like Money helper for free debt advice and services. You can find out more by contacting Money Helper on www.moneyhelper.org.uk or 0300 500 5000 (8-8 Monday to Friday, 9-1 on Saturday). 2) You should have been advised on all the options for dealing with…

Priority Bills: Tips for 2024

Tips for paying your priority bills in 2024 With rising living costs, it’s becoming harder to keep up with household bills. As costs put a squeeze on household finances, paying your priority bills has become the main financial goal of 2024. What are priority bills? Priority bills are those that carry the most serious consequences…