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  • Can Side Hustles Help Pay off Debt?

    Can Side Hustles Help Pay off Debt?

    Many people today find it challenging to manage their bills and pay off their debts. Starting a side hustle can be an effective way to alleviate debt anxiety, earn extra income, and tackle financial challenges. By generating additional earnings, a side hustle may help you pay off your debt more quickly. In this guide, we’ll…

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  • How Debt Could Affect Your Career

    How Debt Could Affect Your Career

    Debt is a part of life for many people, but the impact it can have on your job is often overlooked. Knowing how debt can influence your employment is important. This guide looks at how debt can affect your career, including how it could stop you from getting a job, affect your current position, and…

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  • Generation Debt: The Need for Better Collaboration

    Generation Debt: The Need for Better Collaboration

    Changing attitudes toward debt In the past, debt was something to be avoided. People would save up for what they needed and only take on debt as a last resort. Mortgages were the exception, but even those were approached with caution. Nowadays, debt has become much more acceptable. Credit cards, personal loans, and other forms…

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  • Breathing Space: What You Should Know

    Breathing Space: What You Should Know

    It was a while in the making, but since 2021, Breathing Space – also known as the Debt Respite Scheme – has been available in the UK. This Government-backed scheme is designed to help those struggling with debt by offering legal protection from creditor action, including enforcement action, additional interest, charges, and general contact, for…

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  • Free and Cheap Activities for the Family

    Free and Cheap Activities for the Family

    Planning fun, budget-friendly activities for the kids during school holidays can be challenging, but with a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can create memorable experiences without breaking the bank. From free museums and city farms to discounted theme parks and unique trails, there’s tonnes of affordable adventures waiting to be explored. In this guide, we’ve…

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  • Dealing with Debt: 5 Things You Should Know

    Dealing with Debt: 5 Things You Should Know

    Struggling with debt can feel very overwhelming, especially when it spirals into a full-blown debt crisis. For many living with debt, sleepless nights, a constant feeling of stress, and even an ongoing sense of helplessness and dread are common.  However, it’s essential to remember that, no matter how bad your financial situation might seem, there…

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  • Generation Debt: What Is Financial Literacy?

    Generation Debt: What Is Financial Literacy?

    Financial literacy is the ability to understand and manage finances effectively. In today’s world, where personal debt has become a common part of everyday life, understanding and managing finances wisely is more important than ever. This article draws on the insights from the recent report titled Problem Debt in the Cost of Living and Beyond…

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  • Tips for Budgeting During a Recession

    Tips for Budgeting During a Recession

    When it comes to your finances, the best thing you can do is be prepared. No matter how well you think you are doing, unexpected bills can still crop up. As we near the halfway point in 2024, the UK cost-of-living crisis is still ongoing. And although down on last year, average energy bills are…

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  • Budget Basics Every Parent Should Know

    Budget Basics Every Parent Should Know

    Having a child is a life-changing experience. There’s rarely a dull day (or a peaceful night). But—and here’s the thing very few people tell you—having kids can be very expensive. Welcoming a new child into your family can drastically change your financial situation, and this is why budgeting is so important. To help you prepare…

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  • 10 Ways To Increase Your Chances of Getting a Mortgage in 2024

    10 Ways To Increase Your Chances of Getting a Mortgage in 2024

    Looking to secure a mortgage? It might seem daunting at first but with the right preparation and knowledge, you can increase your chances of approval. This article offers practical advice and strategic steps to strengthen your application. 1. Know what lenders want Mortgage lenders want to make sure you can pay back the money they…

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  • Managing Your Money – Jointly or Separately?

    Managing Your Money – Jointly or Separately?

    There comes a point in every serious relationship when big decisions need to be made. Some are easier than others. Moving in together is usually a time for optimism and excitement, for example. However, discussions about money tend to be a little more tricky. There are plenty of things to think about when it comes…

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  • How to Save Money on Household Bills

    How to Save Money on Household Bills

    Household bills have been on the rise in recent years. In fact, with the cost of living crisis rumbling on, for many, the increasing cost of energy, water and council tax bills are exacerbating the burden of debt more than any other expense. This raises an important question – what are the easiest ways to…

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