Image of a computer keyboard on a wooden desk with a council tax bill letter.

How To Write Off Council Tax Debt

Dealing with council tax debt can be stressful and confusing, especially if you’re already struggling with other financial obligations and different forms of debt. In this guide, we aim to help you understand the consequences of not paying your council tax and explore the options available to manage or even write off this debt. What…

Image of a key in a front door with a wooden house keychain attached

Can You Get a Mortgage With Debt?

Securing a mortgage while managing debt can be complex, especially in the current economic environment. However, it’s not impossible. In this guide, we walk you through the essential considerations for obtaining a mortgage when you have existing debt, offering a comprehensive understanding of what lenders look for and how you can improve your chances. What…

Getting a Mortgage During Debt Management

If you’re using a Debt Management Plan (DMP) or considering starting one, you might be wondering if getting a new mortgage is even possible. The truth is, obtaining a mortgage while dealing with significant debt can be challenging, especially if you have entered into a formal debt management solution. However, that’s not to say it’s…

An image of a lady who could be at retirement age, sitting at a desk with a coffee, laptop, and reading forms.

Can You Retire if You Are in Debt?

Retirement is often seen as a time to relax and enjoy the benefits of years of hard work. However, for many, the reality is more complicated due to lingering debts. If you’re approaching retirement age and still have outstanding debts, you might be wondering if you can truly afford to retire. This guide will delve…

An image of someone typing on their calculator at their desk whilst holding a piece of paper

The Success of Debt Management Plans

Struggling to keep up with multiple unsecured debts? If so, you’re not alone. In a recent ONS survey conducted in May 2024, 54% of respondents believed their living cost had increased compared to just one month ago. The same survey found that a third of individuals in the UK don’t think they’ll be able to…

An image of someone wearing a blue shirt with a dark blue tie writing with a pen on a clipboard.

Breathing Space: What You Should Know

It was a while in the making, but since 2021, Breathing Space – also known as the Debt Respite Scheme – has been available in the UK. This Government-backed scheme is designed to help those struggling with debt by offering legal protection from creditor action, including enforcement action, additional interest, charges, and general contact, for…

Dealing with Debt: 5 Things You Should Know

Struggling with debt can feel very overwhelming, especially when it spirals into a full-blown debt crisis. For many living with debt, sleepless nights, a constant feeling of stress, and even an ongoing sense of helplessness and dread are common.  However, it’s essential to remember that, no matter how bad your financial situation might seem, there…

An image of a computer keyboard with scrabble letters I, V, and A

How IVAs are Reshaping Debt Management in the UK

At a time when financial challenges have become increasingly common, those facing overwhelming debt are looking for solutions to regain control of their financial health. One popular option is Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs)*. This article will explore the rise of IVAs, the reasons behind their increase in popularity, and why they stand out as a…

Bailiff knocking on the door

Can Bailiffs Force Entry?

When you’re dealing with significant debt, things can quickly become overwhelming. Day-to-day tasks can become more stressful and life can be made especially daunting if you’re also being faced with the prospect of bailiffs knocking on your door. Employed by creditors to recover unpaid debts, the thought of these collection agents turning up at your…

Woman on the phone looking confused

What Is Debt Collection?

Debt collection is the process used by creditors to get money back that hasn’t been paid by individuals or businesses who owe it. It’s important for both the people trying to collect the debt and those who owe the money to understand each step of this process. This helps creditors recover their money and makes…