An elderly couple writing in a booklet

Can an IVA Take My Inheritance?

Coming into an inheritance can be a significant financial event in your life. Often unexpected and sometimes more substantial than you may have thought, these windfalls can have the ability to alter your financial outlook and even change your life. However, if you’re in debt and are using a debt management solution, such as an…

Woman on her bed looking sad, stroking her dog and looking at documents

Can You Inherit Debt from Your Parents?

When a parent passes away, it can be a really difficult time, both emotionally and financially. Alongside the natural feelings of grief and sadness that comes with a death in the family, there is also usually a good deal of administration you need to take care of, including getting the financial affairs of the deceased…

close up of clipboard being handed from one pair of hands to another

The IVA Process Explained

Dealing with significant debt is not only overwhelming, it can also have a negative impact on your life and health. If this is the case, a professional debt management solution is often your best course of action. While Debt Management Plans (DMPs) and Debt Relief Orders (DROs) may be the best option if you find…

What is Debt Relief?

Debt relief solutions can give hope to those struggling with crippling debt. Here, we explore what these solutions look like in practice. If you find yourself struggling with debt, it can be hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. That’s why it’s important to understand that no matter the type of debt. …