What Is Council Tax Support?
Council Tax Support (CTS) is a scheme designed to provide financial relief to those who are struggling to pay their council tax. Council tax support is managed by local councils in the UK and can significantly reduce the amount of council tax you need to pay. This makes it more affordable for those who are…
Can Universal Credit Help With Debt?
For those on Universal Credit, managing debt can be tricky. In this guide, we explain how Universal Credit can assist with debt, detailing the process and implications, and discussing potential debt management solutions. How does Universal Credit work when you are in debt? Universal Credit is a Government benefit designed to support people with their…
How To Cope With a Job Loss: Dealing With Debt After a Redundancy
Losing your job can be one of the most challenging experiences you face. It’s not just the emotional impact, it’s the financial implications too. Especially if you have existing debts which need to be paid. This guide will include suggestions on how to cope with redundancy and tips on how to manage debt after job…
Does Debt Consolidation Affect Buying a Home?
Debt consolidation is a strategy used by many to manage their finances more effectively. It involves combining multiple debts into one single loan, often helping to reduce your monthly payments or interest rates. However, for those considering buying a home, it’s important to understand how debt consolidation impacts the mortgage process. This guide will explore…
What Is Identity Theft?
Identity theft is a growing concern in the UK, posing serious risks to individuals’ financial and personal security. According to a 2023 FICO report, approximately 4.3% of British consumers reported that their identity had been stolen to open financial accounts. To help prevent identity theft, this guide highlights the different types of threats it can…
Reaching Milestones Later in Life: Navigating Debt at Different Ages
It’s normal to feel pressured to reach significant life milestones by a certain age. However, statistics show that achieving major life events at an older age is increasingly common. Moving out of the family home, purchasing a first property, or becoming a grandparent are experiences many people now have later in life. Economic, societal, and…
Tips for Staying On Budget
Three little words that can change your life completely: On. A. Budget. They’re enough to strike fear into the heart, dread into the soul, and a person into the nearest pub. Sticking to a budget is easier in theory than practice. But, it does get easier with time. At MoneyPlus, we understand the challenges of…
How To Have Fun for Free: Staying Happy When Dealing With Debt
At MoneyPlus, we understand just how stressful dealing with debt can be. Whether you have a loved one’s birthday or Christmas coming up and are worrying about finding affordable gifts or are simply struggling to pay your utility bills this month, just trying to live your life while juggling crippling debt can feel all-consuming. However,…
Can I Rent With an IVA?
An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a formal agreement between you and your creditors to pay back your debts over a set amount of time, which is typically five to six years. It’s a common solution for those who are facing unmanageable debt, but many people wonder if they can still rent a property while…
How Social Media Is Affecting Our Spending Habits
Research shows that social media significantly influences consumer behaviour. Shaping the way we communicate, consume information, and spend our money. According to the 2023 Commence Report, which surveyed individuals aged 16-24, millennials and Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012) are 51% more inclined to make impulse purchases online. With platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok…
15 Ways To Save On Your Weekly Shop
Grocery shopping is a necessary task for most households, but it can also be a significant expense. With a bit of planning and some savvy strategies, you can reduce your weekly grocery bill and save £1,000s each year, without compromising on the quality of your meals. So, to help you get started, here’s a list…
Free Festivals and Carnivals in the UK
The UK is famous for its vibrant and varied festivals, with events for everyone’s tastes and interests. While some festivals can be expensive, the UK also has many free festivals that offer great entertainment without costing a penny. These free festivals showcase music, arts, food, and community activities, highlighting the UK’s rich culture and strong…