stack of pancakes topped with blueberries and raspberries

Perfect Pancakes

Easter is falling relatively early this year, so pancake day is already upon us! Here’s a finance-friendly pancake recipe so you can cook up the classic treat while being gentle on your wallet… This recipe makes 12 yummy pancakes. Ingredients and costs (Approximate costs based on prices at Tesco, correct at time of writing –…

golden Chinese dragon on red background

2024: The Year of the Dragon

2024 – the Year of the Dragon – is predicted to bring opportunities, changes, and challenges. These can all be positive or negative depending on how you perceive them, and they’re all interlinked. An opportunity you’ve always wanted may come your way, or it might be an unexpected new chance that arises, something you hadn’t…

close up of clipboard being handed from one pair of hands to another

The IVA Process Explained

Dealing with significant debt is not only overwhelming, it can also have a negative impact on your life and health. If this is the case, a professional debt management solution is often your best course of action. While Debt Management Plans (DMPs) and Debt Relief Orders (DROs) may be the best option if you find…

blue diary with 2024 written on the front

Money Dates for Your Diary in 2024

Need to file a tax return, wondering when your bills are likely to rise (or shrink! 🤞), or want to know when you can expect important updates from the government? We’ve got you covered. January 6th January – National Insurance cut As of 6th January 2024, the reduction of employee National Insurance contributions (Class 1 NICs)…

woman sitting on grey sofa with face in hands

How To Deal With Debt Anxiety

Feeling stressed or anxious is a totally normal response when you’re facing financial difficulties. Whether you’re dealing with a spiralling cycle of high interest credit card debt you just can’t seem to escape from, or are struggling to make repayments on a mortgage or loan due to an unexpected change in personal circumstances, debt anxiety…

woman and man sitting at table. man holding credit card, woman writing on piece of paper

How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Credit cards are a quick and convenient way to build your credit history. However, if used irresponsibly, the debt generated can quickly become a significant burden. Indeed, for those living with a large amount of credit card debt, knowing the most effective way to pay it off is not always clear.  Fortunately, with the right…