Step 1 of 5

If you enter a solution with MoneyPlus we will charge you fees. If you do not enter a solution managed by us, there will be no fee for the advice that we provide. All fees and risks will be explained in full before you enter into a solution.

To discover more about how to manage your debt and to receive free debt advice, you can visit

If you enter a solution with MoneyPlus we will charge you fees. If you do not enter a solution managed by us, there will be no fee for the advice that we provide. All fees and risks will be explained in full before you choose a solution

To discover more about how to manage your debt and to receive free debt advice, you can visit

Example IVA

See how an IVA could make a difference to you…

Bank Loans £14,000
Credit Cards £2,442
Payday Loan £900
Overdraft £2,474
Total amount owed £18,798

Using our average debt write-off*

Total debt:

Debt written off:



Total repaid £5,263
🎉 Reduced by 72%

*On average our customers who completed their IVA in 2024 saw 72% of their debt included in the IVA written off. Total repaid in this example is based on the amount received by the creditors and does not include fees.

You’re in safe hands.

We’ve helped tens of thousands of people take control of their unsecured debts.

Support and guidance

We offer debt advice and support to everyone who gets in touch.

Potentially stop creditor contact

Although not guaranteed, some solutions will stop all contact from creditors.

Reduce interest and charges

For Debt Management Plans we’ll always aim to freeze interest & charges, and we succeed over 95% of the time. Approved IVAs will stop interest and charges.

How it works.

We try to make your life as easy as possible, so we do as much of the work for you as we can. If you qualify here’s what happens when you get in touch:

Speak to us.

Tell us about your finances and the debts you’re having problems with.

Find a solution.

Based on your circumstances we’ll build a plan to get you out of debt, whether that’s with us, or not.

Choose your plan.

We’ll either contact your creditors and tell them you’re with MoneyPlus, or make sure that you know who can help.

Will an IVA stop bailiffs?

If you have any outstanding court actions including the use of a bailiff, they will be stopped once an IVA has been put in place. This means that bailiffs will no longer be able to attempt collections to repay any debts included in an IVA.

It’s made a big difference to me and how I live.

— Helen, Aberdeenshire *
Read Helen’s story…

*Names and images have been changed to maintain customer privacy, but testimonies are from real customers