Step 1 of 5

If you enter a solution with MoneyPlus we will charge you fees. If you do not enter a solution managed by us, there will be no fee for the advice that we provide. All fees and risks will be explained in full before you enter into a solution.

To discover more about how to manage your debt and to receive free debt advice, you can visit

Why Choose MoneyPlus Advice?

People provided with debt advice in 2024

DMP customers Jan 2024 – Dec 2024

Percentage of DMP customer debts that have interest and charges frozen

DMP customers Jan 2024 -Dec 2024

Average total debt of new DMP customers in 2024

DMP customers Jan 2024 -Dec 2024

What Debts Do A Debt Management Plan Cover?

Buy now, pay later


Credit cards

Store cards

Payday loans

Bank loans

MoneyPlus Customer - Melanie

Melanie was £22,000 in debt

Melanie had multiple debts including:

  • Credit cards
  • Loans
  • Catalouges
  • Buy now, pay later

All these stories are real MoneyPlus customers who have given their consent for us to use them but the photos used are not the real customers.

Monthly Repayments

Before entering a Debt Management Plan

As a MoneyPlus Advice customer

Payment reduction of £606!

Monthly payments are based on your individual circumstances after a full review of income and expenditure. In a DMP, reducing your payments will extend the amount of time to pay and monthly Management Fees will be payable.

You’re in safe hands.

We’ve helped tens of thousands of people take control of their unsecured debts.

Customer Story

Based on an actual review provided by a MoneyPlus customer

“All staff are amazing… nothing ever seems like too much trouble.

I was a self-employed hairdresser, but my mother fell ill and so I had to reduce my hours to help care for her. After her passing, my youngest daughter began having issues with both her physical and mental health, so I then took more time off work to care for her, too.

Some time later, my daughter suffered a stroke, which led her to become disabled, and so I took over care of my grandchildren.

I was on a bus one day and noticed an ad in the newspaper for a debt management service with a different provider. I started a Debt Management Plan with them, but I always felt as though I was being judged and was made to feel worse about my situation.

Since coming to MoneyPlus Advice, all the staff have been amazing. Every time I call them with a query, I am always provided with brilliant information and it helps me feel more relaxed to know they are here to help with anything.

I complete my annual financial review with the same Advisor every year, and I can really be myself with them and talk to them about absolutely anything, and know I am not being judged.

How it works.

We’re here to make things as easy as possible for you. We know that dealing with your debts can be stressful and confusing, which is why our experts do as much of the work for you as we can. If you qualify, here’s what happens when you contact us:

Chat to our specialists about your finances and the debts you’re struggling with. 

Based on your individual situation, we’ll come up with a plan to get you out of debt. This may be through one of our managed solutions or it may not be. Our advice is based on what’s right for you.

If you’re using our managed solutions, we’ll reach out to your creditors and tell them you’re with MoneyPlus. If not, we’ll make sure you know who can help.

Why Choose MoneyPlus Advice?

While a Debt Management Plan cannot guarantee that bailiffs will no longer come to your door, having an agreed repayment plan in place could help keep your assets safe.

As bailiffs are typically a last resort for lenders, setting up a Debt Management Plan is usually an indication that you plan to repay your debts, and should reduce the risk of legal force.