10 Unusual Facts About Money
Money might not be able to buy you happiness, but these interesting facts might make you smile.
10 Things Money Can’t Buy
They say that money can’t buy you happiness but, let’s be honest, it can buy you stuff that will put a big, fat smile on your face. So, what can’t money buy? As far as we’re aware, there isn’t a price tag on any of the following.
10 Of the Most Simple Yet Effective Money-Making Inventions
The best ideas are always the simplest. The ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ kind of stuff that could’ve transformed you into a multi-millionaire if only you’d have thought of it…Which you didn’t. But these (very rich) people did:
10 – Books About Making Money
10 – Books About Making Money Here’re some of the best books about making dosh. Some are old, some are new. All have received great reviews, presumably from people with a lot of money… They don’t come with any guarantees or fresh, crisp tenners between the pages, but it can’t hurt anything, other than your…
10 – Best Songs About Money
Love is probably the most popular topic when it comes to music. Especially if there’s a broken heart and a lot of crying. But there’s a wealth of great tunes about money. Here are 10 of the best.
Cheap but Effective Cleaning Tips
Walk down the cleaning aisle of any supermarket and chances are, you’ll find someone reading the back of a bottle or a box. There are so many products proclaiming to do so many things, it can be difficult to know what to buy. Problem is, they all come at a hefty price. If cleanliness is…
10 Quick Penny Pinchers
Without wishing to promote a certain supermarket, when it comes to trying to save money, every little helps. Here are 10 quick ways you can save money.