Image of a key in a front door with a wooden house keychain attached

Can You Get a Mortgage With Debt?

Securing a mortgage while managing debt can be complex, especially in the current economic environment. However, it’s not impossible. In this guide, we walk you through the essential considerations for obtaining a mortgage when you have existing debt, offering a comprehensive understanding of what lenders look for and how you can improve your chances. What…

An image of a colourful credit score meter with an arm holding a credit card poking out of a mobile on a pink background.

How To Use a Credit Card To Build Credit

Building a strong credit score is essential for financial stability and access to better loan terms. Using a credit card wisely is a powerful strategy to achieve this goal. This guide explains why credit cards are important for building your credit score, offers detailed tips on how to use them responsibly, and explores alternative methods…

Image of a calculator on a wooden desk with a receipt on top

How To Deal With Unexpected Expenses

Unexpected expenses can strike at any time, disrupting your financial stability and potentially leading to debt. However, with sensible money management and professional advice and support, the prospect of juggling debt and unexpected expenses can be made a little less frightening.  In this guide, we explain what unexpected expenses can include, provide examples, and explore…

Getting a Mortgage During Debt Management

If you’re using a Debt Management Plan (DMP) or considering starting one, you might be wondering if getting a new mortgage is even possible. The truth is, obtaining a mortgage while dealing with significant debt can be challenging, especially if you have entered into a formal debt management solution. However, that’s not to say it’s…

An image of the Labour logo with a union jack on the right hand side

5 Changes To Your Finances Under Labour

With the new Labour Government in power, shifts are on the horizon that may impact your finances. Labour’s manifesto has outlined several key changes, and these will bring about both benefits and challenges for individuals and families across the UK. Here, we break down five financial changes you can expect under Labour’s leadership. 1. State…

An image of a man pulling a suitcase towards the airport.

Can I Move Abroad with Debt?

Moving abroad can be an exciting opportunity, offering new experiences and adventures. However, if you’re burdened with debt, this situation can become more complex. This guide explores the implications of relocating abroad while carrying debt, addressing common concerns and misconceptions. Can you move abroad if you have debt? Yes, you can move abroad if you…

An image of a lady who could be at retirement age, sitting at a desk with a coffee, laptop, and reading forms.

Can You Retire if You Are in Debt?

Retirement is often seen as a time to relax and enjoy the benefits of years of hard work. However, for many, the reality is more complicated due to lingering debts. If you’re approaching retirement age and still have outstanding debts, you might be wondering if you can truly afford to retire. This guide will delve…