At MoneyPlus we pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service and our customers satisfaction is very important to us, and when things go wrong we want to resolve them quickly and fairly.
Below is a summary of our complaints data.
Firm Name: MoneyPlus Group Limited
Group: MoneyPlus Group
Other firms included in this report: n/a
Period covered in this report: 1st Sept 2018 – 28th Feb 2019
Brands/trading names covered: MoneyPlus Debt Management and
Reporting Period: 01/09/18 – 28/02/19
Number of Complaints Opened by Volume of Business Product / service
Provision (at reporting period end date) – n/a
Number of complaints opened – 580
Number of complaints closed – 609
Percentage closed within 3 days – 62.9%
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks – 30.5%
Percentage upheld – 48.6%
Main cause of complaints opened – n/a
Credit related
- MoneyPlus Group Limited is a member of the MoneyPlus Holdings group of companies, and includes insolvency and legal companies. The above complaints only relate to our regulated debt management service.
- As a regulated consumer credit firm, MPG publishes complaints data every six months if the number of complaints received exceeds 500. The FCA also publishes data about all of the firms they regulate which they update every six months which you can view
- The Financial Ombudsman Service provide a mediation service between financial firms and their customers. They also provide information on the complaints referred to their service, which you can view
Firm Name: MoneyPlus Group Limited
Group: MoneyPlus Group
Other firms included in this report: n/a
Period covered in this report: 1st March 2018 – 31st August 2018
Brands/trading names covered: MoneyPlus Debt Management and
Reporting Period: 01/03/18 – 31/08/18
Number of Complaints Opened by Volume of Business
Product / service Provision (at reporting period end date) – n/a
Number of complaints opened – 709 Number of complaints closed – 678
Percentage closed within 3 days – 66.9%
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks – 32.9%
Percentage upheld – 25.37%
Main cause of complaints opened – n/a
Credit related
- MoneyPlus Group Limited is a member of the MoneyPlus Holdings group of companies, and includes insolvency and legal companies. The above complaints only relate to our regulated debt management service.
- As a regulated consumer credit firm, MPG publishes complaints data every six months if the number of complaints received exceeds 500. The FCA also publishes data about all of the firms they regulate which they update every six months which you can view
- The Financial Ombudsman Service provide a mediation service between financial firms and their customers. They also provide information on the complaints referred to their service, which you can view
Firm Name: MoneyPlus Group Limited
Group: MoneyPlus Group
Other firms included in this report: n/a
Period covered in this report: 1st September 2017 – 28th February 2018
Brands/trading names covered: MoneyPlus Debt Management and
Reporting Period: 01/03/18 – 31/08/18
Number of Complaints Opened by Volume of Business Product / service
Provision (at reporting period end date) – n/a
Number of complaints opened – 855
Number of complaints closed – 840
Percentage closed within 3 days – 81.4%
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks – 16.7%
Percentage upheld – 32.7%
Main cause of complaints opened – n/a
Credit related
- MoneyPlus Group Limited is a member of the MoneyPlus Holdings group of companies, and includes insolvency and legal companies. The above complaints only relate to our regulated debt management service.
- As a regulated consumer credit firm, MPG publishes complaints data every six months if the number of complaints received exceeds 500. The FCA also publishes data about all of the firms they regulate which they update every six months which you can view
- The Financial Ombudsman Service provide a mediation service between financial firms and their customers. They also provide information on the complaints referred to their service, which you can view
Firm Name: MoneyPlus Group Limited
Group: MoneyPlus Group
Other firms included in this report: n/a
Period covered in this report: 14th December 2016 – 31st August 2017
Brands/trading names covered: MoneyPlus Debt Management and
Reporting Period: 01/03/18 – 31/08/18
Number of Complaints Opened by Volume of Business Product / service
Provision (at reporting period end date) – n/a
Number of complaints opened – 1,135
Number of complaints closed – 1,100
Percentage closed within 3 days – 85.17%
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks – 14.65%
Percentage upheld – 34.49%
Main cause of complaints opened – n/a
Credit related
- MPG’s reporting period commenced on 14th December 2016, the date that MoneyPlus Group received full authorisation from the FCA for commercial debt counselling
- MoneyPlus Group Limited is a member of the MoneyPlus Holdings group of companies, and includes insolvency and legal companies. The above complaints only relate to our regulated debt management service.
- As a regulated consumer credit firm, MPG publishes complaints data every six months if the number of complaints received exceeds 500. The FCA also publishes data about all of the firms they regulate which they update every six months which you can view
- The Financial Ombudsman Service provide a mediation service between financial firms and their customers. They also provide information on the complaints referred to their service, which you can view
Still unsure or want to know more?
That’s where our advisors come in, our expert debt advice team can help you find a solution that works for you. If you think a Debt Management Plan could be right for you, get in touch now.
At MoneyPlus we understand that every financial situation is different, and approach every customer with the care and individuality that they deserve.
So, get in touch today and start living better with MoneyPlus Advice.