What Happens to Debt When You Die

What Happens to Debt When You Die? Discover what happens to debt after death. From credit cards to joint liabilities, MoneyPlus explores how debts are handled posthumously. It’s common knowledge that debt can act as a huge weight on an individual’s shoulders during their lifetime. However, have you ever stopped to think about the stress…

Apply for an IVA

Apply for an IVA Reduce your debts with one affordable monthly payment! See if you qualify » *Once completed, any outstanding debt included in the IVA will be written-off. All benefits and risks of eligible debt solutions will be discussed on the assessment call To discover more about how to manage your debt and to…

man sat at laptop with mobile in hand. Both device screens display a gambling app

Are Gambling Debts Enforceable?

For many, gambling is a harmless hobby, but for others, the allure of this pastime can lead individuals down a path of financial hardship, resulting in accumulated debts. According to a 2022 study by Citizens Advice, 18% of people who regularly gambled online were in significant gambling debt. That equated to 3.3 million people. This…

woman holding piece of paper and tapping on calculator

Are Payday Loans Bad?

You never know what might be just around the corner. However, whether your car breaks down or you need to pay a visit to the emergency dentist, one thing is almost always guaranteed – life’s little curveballs are rarely cheap. This is where payday loans come in.  These easy-to-access loans are, on paper at least,…

stack of pancakes topped with blueberries and raspberries

Perfect Pancakes

Easter is falling relatively early this year, so pancake day is already upon us! Here’s a finance-friendly pancake recipe so you can cook up the classic treat while being gentle on your wallet… This recipe makes 12 yummy pancakes. Ingredients and costs (Approximate costs based on prices at Tesco, correct at time of writing –…

golden Chinese dragon on red background

2024: The Year of the Dragon

2024 – the Year of the Dragon – is predicted to bring opportunities, changes, and challenges. These can all be positive or negative depending on how you perceive them, and they’re all interlinked. An opportunity you’ve always wanted may come your way, or it might be an unexpected new chance that arises, something you hadn’t…