dog reading debt newspaper

Guide to using Experian 2024

Guide to using Experian During difficult financial times, keeping on top of your credit score can give you a valuable insight on how you’re really managing. There are three major credit scoring agencies in the UK: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. As one of the most popular credit reporting services, Experian is one option for people…

What Happens to Debt When You Die

It’s common knowledge that debt can act as a huge weight on an individual’s shoulders during their lifetime. However, have you ever stopped to think about the stress attached to understanding what happens to your debt once you’ve passed away. Thinking about your loved ones dealing with your debts after you’ve died is never a…

Apply for an IVA

Apply for an IVA Potentially write off up to 85% of your debt and join the 1000s of UK customers we support. See if you qualify » In 2023, our IVA customers saw a 65% reduction in their debt. Each case varies, so what you pay back depends on what you’re able to afford. *Once…

man sat at laptop with mobile in hand. Both device screens display a gambling app

Are Gambling Debts Enforceable?

For many, gambling is a harmless hobby, but for others, the allure of this pastime can lead individuals down a path of financial hardship, resulting in accumulated debts. According to a 2022 study by Citizens Advice, 18% of people who regularly gambled online were in significant gambling debt. That equated to 3.3 million people. This…

person placing a bet online on smartphone

How to Deal with Gambling Debt

Gambling is a popular pastime in the UK. According to statistics from the Gambling Commission, nearly half (43%) of the UK population gambles at least once a month. And while the majority of people do enjoy gambling responsibly, for others, this seemingly harmless hobby can easily become a financial strain that leads to significant amounts…

woman holding piece of paper and tapping on calculator

Are Payday Loans Bad?

You never know what might be just around the corner. However, whether your car breaks down or you need to pay a visit to the emergency dentist, one thing is almost always guaranteed – life’s little curveballs are rarely cheap. This is where payday loans come in.  These easy-to-access loans are, on paper at least,…

stack of pancakes topped with blueberries and raspberries

Perfect Pancakes

Easter is falling relatively early this year, so pancake day is already upon us! Here’s a finance-friendly pancake recipe so you can cook up the classic treat while being gentle on your wallet… This recipe makes 12 yummy pancakes. Ingredients and costs (Approximate costs based on prices at Tesco, correct at time of writing –…