If you’re struggling with debt, you might be considering an Individual Voluntary Agreement (IVA), which is an agreement you and your creditors make to repay your debt over a set period of time (usually five to six years). As both your monthly payments and your repayment period are fixed, taking out an IVA usually involves part of your unsecured debt being written off by your creditors.

IVA Calculator

To help you work out how much of your debt you could see written off, we have created an online IVA calculator. Simply move the slider along to see how much of your debt would need to be paid off and how much can be written off.

Simply change the debt amount to see how much debt you could get written off.

See how much you could save with an IVA

Total debt


How much can you afford?

Monthly payment




Debt written off

£ (%)

This calculator is for illustration purposes only. If you enter a solution with MoneyPlus we will charge you fees. If you do not enter a solution managed by us, there will be no fee for the advice that we provide. All fees and risks will be explained in full before you enter into a solution. The amount of debt written off is subject to each specific IVA and the values used are for representation purposes only.