Home » Debt Collection Agencies » Nationwide Debt Recovery Limited

Who are Nationwide Debt Recovery?

Nationwide Debt Recovery (NDR) is a debt collection agency that specialises in recovering overdue accounts. They have extensive experience in managing collections for various sectors, including commercial, healthcare, and consumer accounts.

Why are Nationwide Debt Recovery contacting me?

Nationwide Debt Recovery is contacting you because they have been assigned or have purchased your outstanding debt from a creditor. This could be due to unpaid bills such as loans, credit cards, or other financial obligations. Their aim is to recover the amount owed on behalf of the original creditor​.

Is contact from Nationwide Debt Recovery serious?

Yes, contact from Nationwide Debt Recovery is serious. Ignoring their attempts to reach you can lead to further actions, including legal proceedings or additional fees. Addressing their contact promptly is important to manage your debt and avoid escalation.

Can a Debt Management Plan stop Nationwide Debt Recovery?

A Debt Management Plan (DMP) can help manage and potentially stop Nationwide Debt Recovery from contacting you. Through a DMP, you make one consolidated payment to a credit counselling agency, which then distributes the payment to your creditors. This plan can include arrangements to stop collection calls and letters, and freeze interest rates.

I have received a letter from Nationwide Debt Recovery, what does this mean?

Receiving a letter from Nationwide Debt Recovery indicates they are formally notifying you of an outstanding debt. The letter will detail the amount owed, the original creditor, and instructions on how to settle the debt. It is crucial to respond to this letter to avoid further collection actions​.

What rights do I have against Nationwide Debt Recovery?

Under UK law, you have several rights when dealing with Nationwide Debt Recovery. These include the right to be treated fairly, the right to request verification of the debt, and protection against harassment. You can also dispute the debt if you believe it is incorrect. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates debt collection practices to ensure fair treatment of consumers.

Nationwide Debt Recovery are sending debt collectors to my house, what should I do?

If Nationwide Debt Recovery is sending debt collectors to your house, you have the right to ask them to leave and only contact you in writing. Debt collectors must adhere to strict regulations and cannot harass or intimidate you. If you feel threatened, you can report their behaviour to the Financial Ombudsman Service​.

Will Nationwide Debt Recovery repossess my home?

Nationwide Debt Recovery is unlikely to repossess your home as they typically deal with unsecured debts. However, failure to address the debt could lead to court action, which might result in a County Court Judgment (CCJ) and further legal steps. It’s important to communicate with them to avoid such outcomes.

What Debt Management Plans can help stop Nationwide Debt Recovery from contacting me further?

A Debt Management Plan through a reputable credit counselling agency can help stop Nationwide Debt Recovery from contacting you further. These plans consolidate your debts into one monthly payment and negotiate with creditors to halt collection actions. It’s essential to seek advice from a certified agency to set up a DMP​.

What if I can’t afford to pay Nationwide Debt Recovery?

If you cannot afford to pay Nationwide Debt Recovery, contact them to discuss your financial situation. They may offer a reduced payment plan or settlement. Additionally, seeking advice from a debt advisor can provide you with options like DMPs, Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), or even Bankruptcy if necessary​.

To speak with an expert advisor today, you can request a call back from our friendly team at MoneyPlus.

Company Name – Nationwide Debt Recovery Limited

Address NDR, PO Box 55, Liverpool, L2 2S

Telephone 0844 811 0112

Website Info: https://www.nationwide.co.uk/help/challenging-times/money-worries/

Important: Please note that MoneyPlus are not associated with Nationwide Debt Recovery Limited in any way. The information on this page is provided to help consumers contact their creditors. If you’re finding it difficult to make your monthly payments to Nationwide Debt Recovery Limited you may need help managing your debt.

Still unsure or want to know more?

That’s where our advisors come in, our expert debt advice team can help you find a solution that works for you. If you think a Debt Management Plan could be right for you, get in touch now.

At MoneyPlus we understand that every financial situation is different, and approach every customer with the care and individuality that they deserve.

So, get in touch today and start living better with MoneyPlus Advice.