Home » Debt Collection Agencies » Link Financial Ltd – Debt Collectors

Link Financial Outsourcing is part of the Link Financial Group, a trusted provider of outsourced loan management, standby, and servicing solutions. The company has been working with European financial institutions since 1998 and manages over 4.5 million individual and business accounts across Europe. They service a wide range of credit lines including credit cards, consumer loans, mortgages, student loans, auto finance, and more.

Link Financial may contact you if they have acquired your debt from the original lender or if they are servicing your loan on behalf of another company. This contact could be regarding outstanding payments on your account.

Yes, contact from Link Financial is serious as it typically involves the collection of debts that you owe. Ignoring their communication can lead to further action such as additional fees, damage to your credit rating, or even legal proceedings.

A Debt Management Plan (DMP) can potentially stop Link Financial from contacting you, as it involves negotiating with creditors to agree on a more manageable repayment plan. By enrolling in a DMP, you may be able to consolidate your debts into one monthly payment, which can help reduce the pressure from creditors.

Receiving a letter from Link Financial usually means they are seeking to collect on a debt that they believe you owe. The letter should detail the amount owed, the original creditor, and instructions on how to settle the debt or contact them to discuss your options.

As a debtor, you have rights including the right to be treated fairly and to not be harassed. Link Financial must comply with regulations set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You also have the right to dispute the debt if you believe it is incorrect and to request a detailed breakdown of the debt owed.

If debt collectors visit your home, you have the right to ask them to leave and to contact Link Financial directly to discuss your debt. Ensure you get any agreements or discussions in writing. If you feel threatened or harassed, you can report this behaviour to the FCA or seek advice from a debt advice charity.

Repossessing your home is usually a last resort for debt collectors and typically only occurs if the debt is secured against your property and you have failed to come to an agreement on repayment.

A DMP, Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), or even a Debt Relief Order (DRO) might help. These plans involve consolidating your debts into manageable payments and can provide legal protection from creditors once agreed upon.

If you cannot afford to pay Link Financial, it’s important to contact them and explain your situation. They may offer a more affordable payment plan.

Alternatively, to speak with an expert debt advisor about debt solutions, you can contact MoneyPlus today.

Company Name – Link Financial Debt Recovery

Correspondence Address:
Po Box 30095
Reg Company Number 03504939
Parent Company N/A

Registered Address:
Camelford House
89 Albert Embankment
Consumer Credit Licence: 0446835


Important: Please note that MoneyPlus are not associated with Link Financial Ltd in any way. The information on this page is provided to help consumers contact their creditors. If you’re finding it difficult to make your monthly payments to Link Financial Ltd you may need help managing your debt.

Still unsure or want to know more?

That’s where our advisors come in, our expert debt advice team can help you find a solution that works for you. If you think a Debt Management Plan could be right for you, get in touch now.

At MoneyPlus we understand that every financial situation is different, and approach every customer with the care and individuality that they deserve.

So, get in touch today and start living better with MoneyPlus Advice.