An image of a colourful credit score meter with an arm holding a credit card poking out of a mobile on a pink background.

How To Use a Credit Card To Build Credit

Building a strong credit score is essential for financial stability and access to better loan terms. Using a credit card wisely is a powerful strategy to achieve this goal. This guide explains why credit cards are important for building your credit score, offers detailed tips on how to use them responsibly, and explores alternative methods…

dog reading debt newspaper

Guide to using Experian 2024

Guide to using Experian During difficult financial times, keeping on top of your credit score can give you a valuable insight on how you’re really managing. There are three major credit scoring agencies in the UK: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. As one of the most popular credit reporting services, Experian is one option for people…

Rebuilding Your Credit Score

Nothing is forever, and even the toughest of times can turn on a hairpin to send you on a journey back towards a state of stability and balance. Deciding to rebuild your credit score after a period of financial upheaval can feel like an impossible task, but we’re here to tell you that it isn’t.…