Building a strong credit score is essential for financial stability and access to better loan terms. Using a credit card wisely is a powerful strategy to achieve this goal. This guide explains why credit cards are important for building your credit score, offers detailed tips on how to use them responsibly, and explores alternative methods…
Guide to using Experian During difficult financial times, keeping on top of your credit score can give you a valuable insight on how you’re really managing. There are three major credit scoring agencies in the UK: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. As one of the most popular credit reporting services, Experian is one option for people…
Credit scores are a key part of financial systems in the UK. MoneyPlus explains how they work and what types of actions can impact your score. Credit reports play a vital role in private financial agreements in the UK. Without a credit score, the average person in the UK wouldn’t be able to apply for…
Financial setbacks can strike when we least expect them, leaving us feeling lost and overwhelmed. Whether it’s an unexpected job loss, medical emergency, or simply a rough patch that knocked your finances off track, the impact on your credit score can feel devastating. But here’s the truth: financial recovery is possible, and rebuilding your credit…
A credit score is a simplified overview of your credit history, giving lenders and prospective loan providers a general idea of your previous credit commitments, repayments and reliability. Currently in the UK, credit scores are measured by three credit reference agencies (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion), who monitor and allow you to check your credit score.…