male and female sitting next to each other, female holding piece of paper which both are looking at

Will an IVA Affect My Partner?

Significant debt can be more than just a financial worry. It can impact your entire life, from your working life to the relationships you have with your nearest and dearest. Luckily, there are debt management solutions available that can help you regain control of your personal finances. One type of solution that can provide this…

piggy bank with yellow umbrella above it on a pile of leaves

Autumn Statement 2023 Round-Up

On Wednesday 22nd November 2023, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt delivered the Autumn statement to Parliament. In his opening statement, the Chancellor highlighted the decisions made by the government to curb inflation and get the economy back on track. He announced the government’s main five priorities: reducing debt, cutting tax and rewarding hard…

5 Tips for an Affordable Christmas

You know what they say, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, it also tends to be the most expensive too! The pressure to buy the perfect gifts, go out with friends, and decorate your home can quickly lead to overspending and serious debt. However, with a bit of forethought and planning,…